
What is tourism? How tourism can be popular?

Tourism is an activity that include about travelling, refreshing, spending, enjoying, and making. Why i say like that? That’s my reason :

  • Travelling, of course you have to travel from one place to another place. Example: we want to go to some destination, you have to move from your home to that destination location.
  • Refreshing, some people that have get stressed from their own activity like a school, work, study everything exactly thinking about ‘when holiday is coming?’. So when holiday is come, you take a holiday and go to some places. When you take a holiday, you forget about your problem, assignment, or everything about you daily activity and your brain get refresh from their hard activity.
  • Spending, If you want to take a holiday. You have to pay something to get your holiday, maybe you pay ticket travel, pay hotel and anything else. Work hard is a key for you to get lot of money. Many people work hard for preparing and collecting their money for a best moment holiday and they will spend lot of money that they collecting before.
  • Enjoying, same like refreshing i mean that some people have to enjoy their vacation. If you can’t enjoy your vacation and still got stress you’re not in vacation. The best purpose from holiday is to make a people forget from their daily activity that have get their stressed. So, you must to every moment when you got travel or visiting some places.
  • Making, not only for tourist, tourism have a good impact for many people who live around destination places. Many people have a new job or side job. They can open food store, or hotel, etc.

So, that’s my opinion about tourism.
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